Advancing Knowledge

Improving Skills

I have nearly 20 years of experience creating and delivering high-quality training to prosecutors, law enforcement officers, SANE, and other partners in the criminal justice system. I take pride in tailoring training to the specific needs of my customers. When you contact me you should expect quite a few questions about your agency, your community, and what goals and outcomes you're looking for. Our shared goal is advancing knowledge and improving skills in measurable way, through high quality training tailored to your needs. 

Hands On Trial Advocacy

Indonesian Woman Lawyer reading
Jury Selection

Jury Selection in Sexual Assault and DV Cases

Expert Witnesses - traditional and not traditional in SA and DV cases

Opening Statements and Closing Argument

Practical Trial Practice - creating a practice based training approach

Cross Examination

Cross Examination - The Reluctant or Missing Victim - Beyond cross examination of victims

“Process Oriented Approach” to DV Cases – Evidenced Based Prosecution

SANE Nurses and the SA trial (Prosecutor and SANE)


The Confrontation Clause and Forfeiture by Wrongdoing

Finding and Using prior acts evidence

Responding when the Victim takes the 5th

Discovery/Brady and Protected Records

Hearsay – its definition, the general rule of exclusion and the exceptions to the general rule

Sexual Assault Specific

law books patrick moore
Prosecuting Sexual Assaults

What Prosecutors Need to know about the Neurobiology of Trauma in SA-impact on memory, and behavior before, during and after the assault 

The Neurobiology of Trauma and the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview (Prosecutors, Law Enforcement, Multi-disciplinary)

Using Rape Shield laws to keep out what should be kept out

Responding to Motions by Defense to Limit the use of Language including victim, rape, sexual assault

Protecting victim privacy-responding to discovery requests for medical, mental health, and substance use disorder treatment

Social Media and the Sexual Assault victim – discovery and admissibility

Expert Witnesses in SA cases-establish admissibility, fighting Daubert Challenges, presenting testimony

Cross-Examination of Perpetrators

Beating the Consent Defense- The nature of consent, how we communicate it, and how to fight it when raised as a defense

Alcohol/Drug facilitated SA

Domestic Violence Specific

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Addressing Defense contact with victims/DV victim affidavits

Expert Witnesses in DV cases- establish admissibility, fighting Daubert Challenges, presenting testimony

Investigations after arrest, witness intimidation, Crawford and forfeiture by wrongdoing

Firearms – What to do to disarm the batterer

Strangulation Investigation and Prosecution

Working with victims - keeping them on board and understanding the complex lives of those we serve

Enforcing Protection Orders - why and how

Addressing what really matters in Bond

Coordinated community response

Effective Investigation; Determining the Primary Aggressor; Enhancing Police Response to DV


To check on availability and rates contact me  at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at (616) 894-1193. 



What People are Saying about Herb's Trainings 

"Again, thank you for your time, knowledge, and efforts to share your experiences.  It was a great 2-days and I wish to learn much more."
Program Specialist assisting in Title IX investigations

"I just wanted to say thank you for such an excellent lecture. It was extremely insightful and definitely had me thinking about how I would begin to form how I would conduct interviews on such a difficult topic. It was nice for me (someone who's never interviewed a victim like that) to go in with no knowledge or bias and be able to completely absorb what you were teaching."
Law enforcement intern and future Law Enforcement Office

"Thank you so much for the really excellent presentation on Tuesday! Our entire team thought it was spot-on content-wise, and you offered it to the participants in a way that was easy for them to understand."
Program director, national TA provider